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zmhk 2024-05-31
district_district的中文       很高兴能够参与这个district问题集合的解答工作。我将根据自己的知识和经验,为每个问题提供准确而有用的回答,并尽量满足大家的需求。1.district 和 region的区别2.市,直辖市,区,


1.district 和 region的区别





district 和 region的区别

       1. district ['d?str?kt]

       n. 区域;地方;行政区

       相对于 region 稍小的地区,常指一个国家或城市的行政分区,有时也指非行政分区,如:

       The letters SW1 stand for a postal district of London.


       The busiest shopping district in Beijing is around Wangfujing Street.


       2. region

       n. 地区;范围;部位


       The southeast is the richest of England. 英国的东南部是最富有的。

       Italy is divided into 20 regions. 意大利被分为20个行政区。
























































       n. city

       英 ['s?t?] ?美 ['s?ti]?


       国立市 Kunitachi

       临夏市 Linxia City ; fu

       鄂尔多斯市 Ordos City ; Ordos



       We diverted the river to supply water to our city.?


       The city council brought down the new spending plans yesterday.?


       They have delegated him to represent their city at the convention.


       n. district

       英 ['d?str?kt] ?美 ['d?str?kt]?


       观塘区 Kwun Tong District ; Kwun Tong ; MU KUANG ENGLISH SCHOOL ; Ning Po College

       新宿区 SHINJUKU-KU ; shinjuku ; Sinzyuku-khu ; Tokyo Shinjuku

       第九区 District ; Kowloon District ; Lower Ninth ; Nine Yard


       The flood inundated the whole district.?


       It was an election that benched him in the district court.?


       Several railroads traverse the district.?



       n. county

       英 ['ka?nt?] ?美 ['ka?nti]?


       克拉克县 Clark County ; Henderson ; clarke county, virginia

       亚当斯县 adams county ; adams county, idaho ; Adams County, Pennsylvania

       帕克县 Park County ; Parker County


       Ours is a small county.?


       The canal has proved useful to the county in many ways.?


       The criminal has been sent to the county seat under guard.?



       n. town

       英 [ta?n] ?美 [ta?n]?


       Old Town 旧城区 ; 布拉格老城 ; 旧街场 ; 慕尼黑旧城

       Kennedy Town 坚尼地城 ; 尼地城 ; 香港坚尼地

       Xinhua Town 新华镇 ; 新化乡


       They march on the next town.?


       These pipes carry water to the town.?


       Mountains back the town.?



       municipality directly under the central government


       重庆直辖市 Chongqing municipality

       萨格勒布直辖市 Grad Zagreb

       曼谷直辖市 bangkok metropolis



       A second tier of around 15 large cities, comprises the independent municipalities of Tianjin andChongqing and many of the provincial capitals.?


       The municipality covers an area the size of Scotland (much of it just as rugged), and its population is scattered over thousands of towns and villages straddling the Yangzi river.









       区域, 地方, 管区, 行政区, (美国各州的)众议院选区






       n.Abbr. dist.(名词)缩写 dist.

       A division of an area, as for administrative purposes.


       A region or locality marked by a distinguishing feature:


       went to the lake district for their vacation.See Synonyms at area

       去湖区度假参见 area


       dis.trict.ed, dis.trict.ing, dis.tricts

       To mark off or divide into districts.




       from Old French

       源自 古法语

       from Medieval Latin districtus

       源自 中世纪拉丁语 districtus

       from Latin [past participle of] distringere [to hinder] * see distrain

       源自 拉丁语 [] distringere的过去分词 [阻碍,妨碍] *参见 distrain







       区, 管区, 市区, 行政区

       地区, 区域, 地段

       (美国各州的)众议员选区; (英国教区中的)分区

       a police district


       rural [urban] district


       a shopping district


       D-of Columbia






       The area was districted according to population figures only.


       administrative district


       air pollution control district


       automatic block district


       backcountry district


       biotic district


       building maintenance district


       central business district


       close district


       commercial district


       controlled district


       critical district


       cross connection district


       densely inhabited district


       downtown business district


       dwelling district


       emergency district


       engine district


       financial district


       fire district


       free district


       grazing district


       heavy loading district


       industrial district


       inundated district


       Lake D-

       英格兰西北部的 湖泊地区

       large-scale industrial district


       locomotive working district


       mountain district


       ore district


       outlying business district


       quasi-industrial district


       ranger district

       保护区, 园林员管 理区

       red-light district

       [美]红灯区, 妓院很多的地区

       residential district


       rural district




       senatorial district


       snowy district


       soil conservation district


       territorial district


       train crew district


       urban district


       urban industry district


       underground coal mining district


       district of a forest-ranger







       区, 地区, 地方






       地区, 区域, 管区





       阶段或开采水平内沿走向划分为具有独立生产系统的开采块段。近水平煤层采区又称“盘区(panel)”;倾斜长壁分带开采的采区又称(“带区(strip district)”)。










